E-Learning HandyPROBE


Approximately 7 hours of asynchronous online training (e-learning format) .

This course aims to present the theory associated with the HandyPROBE and VXelements, the data acquisition software of Creaform. This training combines learning, hands-on, and follow-up, all of which online, to maximize knowledge transfer. The idea behind this approach is to ensure customers get the most out of their technologies and maximize their experience.


At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Perform quality measurements using Creaform HandyPROBE system
  • Understand probing workflow and operating principles of the hardware
  • Understand acquisition rules to perform quality measurements
  • Understand VXelements functionalities to optimize acquisition (VXprobe module)
  • Learn how to calibrate the system
  • Probe simple parts easily, rapidly, and efficiently
  • Apply efficient workflow for the application
  • Demonstrate technical expertise to ensure equipment is used advisedly


  • Access to the latest version of this E-learning course is available for free to customer under an active Customer Care Plan
  • Users associated to the related product at the moment of purchase will be provided access to the content.
  • Only users who enroll to a course within the first year will retain access the following years.